Ameila Nasser

Tell us a little bit about yourself
Hello, my name is Amelia, I moved to the Gold Coast 2 years ago, after travelling the globe for 6 years. I am originally from a little town in FNQ After moving here on a total whim with my lover We now feel so lucky to call this place home.
How did you get into hairdressing?
I started hairdressing in grade 10 as a school based apprenticeship, I was obsessed with painting and drawing, and I wanted to travel The world so painting hair for a living meant I could take the money makers anywhere (my hands).
What inspired you to start your own salon?
I started freelancing about 18months ago from an amazing studio in Burleigh heads and I fell in love with the freedom, and being totally in control of my life and the work I do. The lifestyle inspired me to create my own little space and branch out solely on my own.. once I become complacent though, that’s when I know it’s time to take the next step, I’m always climbing some sort of ladder.. Milly the space has been a hell of a time and I am super excited for more to come with that.. so stay tuned for exciting things in the works hehe.
What is something powerful you believe?
I believe that good things come to those who work hard. and to be kind you shall receive kindness.
What is something everyone should be aware of when it comes to hair care?
Something I cannot stress enough to my bbys is, HOT TOOLS KILL - use them on Saturdays only, save it for party times only darls.
Do you have any advice for young women wanting to start their own business?
Make your dreams your reality! I T S P O S S I B L E ! Some people may tell you it isn’t, but don’t stop until you get there. And never say no to an opportunity, you never know where it will lead you.
What is your favourite quote or mantra?
‘Create your own brand that will set you apart from other’s and believe in it’
Something that made you smile recently…
My puppy Storm, I never knew a furry lil thing could make a gal so happy and the beautiful angels who sit in my chair on a daily basis, best clients in the worldddd