Samantha Wilson

Tell us a little bit about yourself

G’day! My name is Sam, I’m 24 and a globetrotter at heart. I grew up in South East Queensland, which has shaped my love for the ocean, sunshine and the great outdoors. I have experience working in Australia, Hong Kong, Singapore, United Arab Emirates and Germany, which has influenced my resilient nature & love for learning about different cultures. I’m a people enthusiast through and through – which was the reason I studied a degree in tourism and human resources. This, combined with my interest in international relations and engagement, led to me work on large-scale international events and projects. In a nutshell, I’m an eternal lover of puns, sucker for tear-jerker moments and a huge fan of spontaneous adventures.

Who or what inspires you?

My inspiration comes from people who have the courage to take risks. Whether that is changing careers, moving across the world or trying out a new recipe. Risk-takers are bold, confident and not afraid of failure – something I aspire to be. Even if the risk doesn’t pay off – a mind stretched by new experiences can never go back to its old dimensions. This is what really inspires me.

What are 3 things you are passionate about & why?

Education - Continuous learning doesn’t always have to be a formal course or degree. I’m passionate about keeping my mind active, whether that’s failing miserably at learning Mandarin, listening to podcasts or having a good chat about a topic I know nothing about.

Body Positivity – It's so important to have a positive mindset towards our bodies, regardless of what society and popular culture tells us.

Food – Food has a way of bringing people together. One of my favourite pastimes is exploring the shelves of a foreign supermarket and experiencing new cuisines. Who couldn’t resist devouring Peking Duk in Beijing, chewing live octopus in a Korean market or inhaling a slice of baklava in Turkey. 

Where is your favourite place you have travelled to & why?

This question is tough. I leave a little piece of my heart (& soul) everywhere I go & have been extremely lucky enough to visit 40 countries. Hong Kong will always be really special to me. There’s something about Hong Kong that leaves me feeling energized, that leaves me feeling like I’m missing out on life if I’m not wandering the streets. From dragon boating, to hiking, to the perseverance of its people, it’s a place that consistently leaves my jaw dropped, eyes popped and senses satisfied.

What is your proudest moment so far?

Receiving an Australian Government New Colombo Plan Scholarship has to be one of my proudest moments. I had the opportunity to live in the Indo Pacific region for 12 months, where I undertook multiple internships and finished my studies. Representing your country overseas and contributing to a large-scale initiative is something so special – and is an experience that was absolutely life changing. It took a lot of blood, sweat and tears to achieve, but I was able to build some wonderful personal and professional relationships that will help strengthen Australia’s relationship with the Indo-Pacific.

What is the most powerful quality a person can have?

Empathy. Having the ability to step outside your own emotions and understand someone’s feelings and perspective is so essential. Even more essential when you can use that understanding to guide your actions, personally and professionally.

What does the world need more of?

Kindness. In a world where we can be anything, it’s so important to be somebody who makes everybody feel like a somebody.

Something that made you smile recently…

My sister recently sent me a video of my nephew welcoming me back to Australia & how excited he was to see me soon. It was so so special. I love my family; they are the ones who constantly make me smile!